From June to December 2022, 61 UK companies and around 2,900 workers took place in the world's largest four-day workweek experiment to date. While working hours were decreased, pay for all employees was maintained at 100%.
At the conclusion of the experiment, 92% of the companies opted to continue the four-day week.
Average change in companies' revenue over the course of the study +1.4%
Average change in companies' revenue compared to a prior comparable period +35%
Workload & productivity
Percent of employees reporting:
No change in their workload 78%
An increase in their pace of work 62%
An increase in their work ability 55%
Employee health & well-being
Change in number of sick and personal days taken -65%
Percent of employees reporting:
An increase in life satisfaction 73%
Lower levels of burnout 71%
An improvement in physical health 64%
That balancing social life and work is easier 62%
That balancing caregiving responsibilities and work is easier 60%
Having more energy to do household tasks 54%
An increase in leisure travel 52%
Higher job satisfaction 48%
An improvement in mental health 43%
A decrease in childcare costs 21%
Investment & loyalty
Change in number of staff resignations compared to a prior comparable period -57%
Percent of employees reporting:
Preferring a four-day week over five 96%
Wanting to continue a four-day week 90%
That no amount of money would convince them to return to a five-day schedule 15%